Tent sites do not have water, sewer or electrical hook-ups. Water is located by the road not far from each site.
Tents can be put on RV sites if the size of the site allows.
There is no maximum number of people per site within reason.
(All Rates are subject to and addtional 10% occupancy tax) Test
A 10% Shasta County Occupancy Tax will be added to all Site, Trailer, and Overnight Additional Guest Fees.
See our Rates & Policies page for additional information.
(Memorial Weekend - Labor Day Weekend)
Tent Site……………$ 47.59 / night / 2 people
(Winter Specials Available Upon Request.)
Tent Site…………….$ 32.86 / night / 2 people
Additional guests over the age of 5yrs………………..$ 6.00 / overnight / per person Pets…………………$ 3.00 / night *Max 2 / site